Watchman Willie Martin Archive

Blind Leaders, Leading the Blind: If, as so many Judeo-Christian clergy assert, it is the Gospel of personal salvation alone that is of primary spiritual importance, why do they pose as oracles of wisdom and attempt to pass upon questions which are beyond the scope of that which they proclaim?

Because they have familiarized themselves with the personal phase of the Gospel only, giving scant attention to weightier Biblical matters which are consequent upon its acceptance, they are not qualified to speak with authority upon Scriptural teachings regarding racial origins and those issues which are directly related to the Gospel of the Kingdom.

As a matter of fact, most Judeo-Christian clergy, and an overwhelming number of theologians, reveal, by their approach to these latter subjects, a complete unfamiliarity with Scriptural and historical facts applicable to their consideration. The following question asked of the Jew Evangelist Billy Graham, to which he have his answer, is a case in point:

�Question: How does it happen that the Christian Nations are mainly among the Caucasian people, and more specifically among the English-speaking people? Were they the first ones to accept the Christian message?

Answer: The English-speaking people were not the first one to accept and propagate the Gospel. In the beginning, the Gospel as we understand it today was propagated by the Jewish people.

Christ was born a Jew, and the principal exponent of the Gospel, Paul, was also a Jew. The Gospel was already well established in Jerusalem when it began to be received by any Gentiles. (Acts 15) After the Jews, the proselytes to the Jewish religion appropriated the message, then Greeks and Romans.

The direction of the Gospel was both Westward and Eastward almost from the beginning, but it did not reach the English-speaking people until hundreds of years later; the Gospel reached India in the first century, and perhaps, China before England.

But from the beginning, the English and Latin speaking people received the Gospel with great enthusiasm. As a people they have been most aggressive in spreading it to the ends of the earth. But to explain why this happened is something that only God can do. We can only recall that it happened.

We who stand in that tradition have had thrust upon us a great responsibility. To receive the Gospel is to become a debtor to all who have not received it, and unless we honor that responsibility. God may remove His hand of blessing from our nation and our people.�


An Erroneous Position: There are at least seven major errors in the answer given to the above question. In the light of what the Bible actually states, it is utterly incredible that a man who claims to be a student of God�s Word should maintain that �the Jewish people were the first to propagate the Gospel.� The question that immediately comes to mind is: Just when do the Scriptures say the Jews reverted to type and ceased to proclaim the Gospel? This is a vital issue which must be properly resolved, for at no time in all of its history has Jewry given any indication of having accepted Jesus Christ and His teachings. On the other hand it is the words of Christ Himself which have been fulfilled in Jewry:

�Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. For I say unto you. Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.� (Matthew 223:38-39

It is true that during the early work of the apostles, a few Jews did become believers, but this by no means became an official recognition by the Nation of the Jews as a whole. On the contrary, the Scriptures state that the early disciples met behind closed doors �for fear of the Jews.� (John 20:19)

The Light bearers: This raises another question to which a correct answer must be given. Just who were the disciples? The New Testament clearly sets forth the fact that they were Galileans and therefore not Jews. When Christ walked in Galilee, and no more in Jewry because the Jews sought to kill Him, He was not walking among the Jews.

�After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry because the Jews sought to kill him.� (John 7:1)

This explanation of the reason why He remained in Galilee would be meaningless if the Galileans were Jews. But being of the tribe of Benjamin, they were racially not Jews.

At the time of our Lord�s trial, when Peter denied Him, the charge was pressed against him that he was one of Christs� followers because he was a Galilean, not a Jew. (Luke 22:59) Again, in Matthew 26:73, Pete�s speech, or accent, set him apart from the Jews, marking him as a Galilean and not of Judah.

When Christ called His disciples to follow Him,� constituted them the light of the world, a fact that prophecy declared was to be the role of Benjamin, one of the tribes of the northern tribes of the two and one-half tribes of the southern tribes of Judah. Ahijah the Prophet stated that this tribe would be left with the southern Kingdom in order that:

�David my servant may have a light always before me in Jerusalem the city which I have chosen me to put my name there.� (1 Kings 11:36)

A remnant of the tribe of Benjamin returned with a remnant of Judah from the Babylonian captivity and they settled in the region of Galilee. The bond that had existed between Judah and Benjamin, fro the time the northern kingdom revolted to the coming of our Lord, was broken when, as the result of the Galileans becoming Christians, the Jews turned against them. This fulfilled another interesting prophecy, since Benjamin was of the northern kingdom. Following the statement by the Prophet Zechariah concerning the selling of our Lord for thirty pieces of silver, he prophesied:

�Then I cut asunder mine other staff, even Bands, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel.� (Zechariah 11:14)

Christ told His disciples, the Galileans, that, when they saw the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the Prophet standing in the holy place, then they were to flee from Judea into the mountains (nations). (Matthew 24:15-18) It is a fact of history that no Christians perished in the siege of Jerusalem when it was destroyed by Titus but that all had fled from the city in compliance with Christs� warning. Jeremiah the Prophet tells us that it was Benjamin who was to heed such a warning and flee:

�O ye children of Benjamin, gather yourselves to flee out of the midst of Jerusalem, and blow the trumpet in Tekoa, an set up a sign of fire in Beth-Haccerem: for evil appeareth out of the north, and great destruction.� (Jeremiah 6:1)

It is interesting to note that Judas Iscariot, the one disciple who was not of the tribe of Benjamin, but was a Jew by religion and posed as a Christian as many do today; calling themselves Christian Jews, was the one who betrayed our Lord (showing he was a traitor as so many of his kind. In fact he was a thief as the Scriptures attest: �Then saith one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, which should betray him, Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor? This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was put therein.� (John 12:4-6))

From the very inception of the Christian Church the Jews persecuted it, attacked its followers, even followed the disciples to harass them on their journeys in the endeavor to thwart their efforts and destroy the mission of the early church. Had the propagation of the Gospel depended upon the Jews, it would have died aborning. As a people the Jews have always fought against the Gospel.

Jesus Was Not A Jew: A theological position completely unsupported by the Scriptures is the oft repeated assumption that Jesus was a Jew. But the very ones who make this assertion will acknowledge that He was of the House of David. A little time spent in the study of the racial facts as presented in the Scriptures would clearly reveal that there are no Jews in the House of David, for David�s house was separated from the tribe of Judah long before the advent of the Jew as we know hi today. To persist in making statements contrary to the facts is to ignore the continuing process of Divine selections and rejections of individuals, of races and peoples, so clearly revealed in the Word of the Lord. Jesus Christ was of the line of Abraham, of the tribe of Judah, but of the House of David, and not the House of Judah. As pointed out in Documentary Studies, Vol. 1:

�...a portion of the House of Judah, was carried away into Babylonian captivity. When at the close of the seventy years of that captivity a remnant of this house returned to Jerusalem, the balance of the House of Judah, still in Babylonian territory ultimately moved north and west and joined with their brethren of Israel in their westward trek. In the course of time these descendants of the House of Judah became the Jutes of Jutland (Judah-landers) and in the fifth century A.D. took part with the Saxons in the invasion of England. But there were no Jews in this branch of the House of Judah.

At the end of the seventy years of Babylonian captivity a remnant of the House of Judah returned to Palestine with the tribe of Benjamin and some of the royal seed of David, as well as a few of the tribe of Levi. This group constituted the nation of the Jews (here the author does not recognize the fact that NO ISRAELITE IS A JEW BY BIRTH AND THAT THE JEWS WERE THE MIXED PEOPLE WHO ACCOMPANIED THE TRUE ISRAELITES). The Benjamintes were a tribe in Israel and therefore NOT JEWS.

The royal seed were of the House of David while the priests were of the tribe of Levi. Certainones, both of the House of Judah that had returned from Babylon and some of the priests, intermarried with the inhabitants of the land. These intermarriages were severely condemned by both Ezra and Nehemiah. These forbidden marriages were made with the Hittites and this in time produced a distinct racial type whom we call Jews today.

In other words, the Jew as we know him today is not of pure Israel stock but through the intermarriages in the day of Ezra and Nehemiah, has the blood of the Hittites in his veins and with the blood of Esau, whom God hated. This intermarriage gave the Jew his dark hair and eyes and the facial characteristics by which he is known and recognized today.� (Documentary Studies, Volume I, pp. 414-415)

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